Parmi les premières familles qui viennent de la région de Kilcommon, Tipperary, William Dawson et Catherine Broderick émigrent avec leurs 8 enfants, dont deux étaient déjà mariés en Irlande. Cinq autres se marieront entre 1832 t 1840. Cette première génération va demeurer à SBDL (et y sera enterrée), mais leurs enfants s'éparpilleront un peu partout en Amérique du Nord. Les dates de naissance sont estimées bien sûr d'après les informations des recensements et des actes d'inhumation.
Among the first couples to settle in SBDL, William Dawson and Catherine Broderick come with their 8 children, already grown up, two of whom were married in Ireland. Only Catherine seems to have not married after settling in SBDL. All 8 children will live out their lives in SBDL, but their children and grandchildren will eventually spread out across North America. Their first presence is attested in 1831, at the time of death of William, in July. A first child was born from the marriage of Margaret to John Keough in August of the same year.
Les familles de la 2e génération Families of the second generation